Steve Ford is the other half of the famous Ford siblings who are television celebrities on HGTV. He and his sister Leanne Ford are the hosts of Restored By The Fords. Leanne does the design for their projects while Steve does...
Matt Muenster is a licensed contractor in real life who also happens to be the host of the television show Bath Crashers and Bathtastic. The show features some of the ugliest bathrooms, and it is Matt’s task to transform them into...
Bargain Mansions is a hit show on HGTV. Tamara Day, a designer and restoration expert, hosts this show. This home restoration show revolves around the old and dilapidated mansions that Tamara purchases and restores in her Kansas hometown. The mansions are...
Bob Vila is an American builder, television personality, and author. He is best known as the first host of the Emmy Award-winning PBS home renovation show “This Old House.” Furthermore, Bob also hosted other similar shows like “Bob Vila’s Home Again”...
Mike Holmes is a renowned Canadian television host. He first became known for his show Holmes on Homes, where he remedied messed-up renovation projects. Read this to know Mike Holmes net worth in 2022. The expert builder steps in to repair...
Jamie Durie is a highly renowned Australian landscape designer and expert horticulturist. In addition, he is also a television host, producer, author, and furniture designer. His television shows include Backyard Takeover and House Rules. He is the director and creator of...
Kevin O’Connor is an American television personality most known for hosting the Emmy Award-winning home improvement series “This Old House” on PBS. He replaced former longtime host Steve Thomas in 2003 and has presided over the hosting duties since. Read this...
Ahmed Hassan is a famous American landscaper popular primarily from his TV appearances in Yard Crashers. Furthermore, his other work includes numerous stints on different shows, all of which air on the DIY network. One of his prominent roles was as...
Jillian Harris is a Canadian TV personality and décor-designer born in Peace River, Canada, on December 30, 1979. She is famous as the cast member of several TV series like ‘The Bachelor,’ ‘The Bachelorette,’ ‘Canada’s Handyman Challenge,’ ‘Love it or List...
The LA-based interior and product designer Cortney Novogratz hosts the reality TV show ‘Home by Novogratz.‘ She hosts the show alongside her life partner Robert. Cortney is also the co-owner of the designer company in New York City, ‘Novogratz.’ Currently, the...