Jillian Harris is a Canadian television celebrity and interior designer. She is known for her appearance on The Bachelorette and The Bachelor. The TV celebrity is also a renowned interior designer and has appeared on home improvement shows such as Love...
Chris Krolow is a Canadian TV producer, actor, host, and entrepreneur. He is one of Canada’s most successful businessmen and realtors. Moreover, Chris is the owner of a Toronto-based island brokerage firm, ‘Private Islands.’ He helps clients worldwide buy and sell,...
The former Canadian actress Hilary Farr is a popular co-host of the HGTV series ‘Love it or List it.‘ Moreover, she is a designer and businesswoman of British-Canadian origin. Hilary has established her own renovation and redesigning company, ‘Hilary Farr Designs,’...
Brittany Picolo-Ramos is an American TV star and a successful home realtor. She deals with old properties around New Orleans and makes a profit from them. Brittany also helps her client get their dream houses at the best possible price without...